Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 6 Predictions & Whatever Else

First off, let me just say that I am thrilled Caitlynn has stayed but then again, it was way to early for Jordan to leave. I saw her making the top 6 easy, but then again, I also did not see her being in the bottom so many times or Caitlynn making it this far either. But people need to realize that they did go by America's votes so if you didn't vote, don't complain. Also, it wouldn't be fair to Caitlynn if Jordan did stay because Jordan has been in the bottom more than Caitlynn. As for the boys, I was shocked Ricky wasn't in the bottom. I really did not know who they would send home but in the end, I think they sent the right person home. Tadd has grown so much and brings a lot to the show.

Okay enough of that. So all stars this week are Twitch, Pasha, Kent, Jaimie, Ellenore and Janette

This week I will probably be wrong on a lot of this because it is so up in the air. So I will guess based on how the show has always been. Switching it up every week and assuming someone will get something different than they have had in the past 2-3 weeks

Melanie and Twitch- Hip Hop - This better freaking happen or else I'll be pissed. Because Caitlynn had hip hop last week and Sasha was with Twitch two weeks ago. If Melanie doesn't get twitch than she better get some spicy latin number
Sasha and Kent Contemporary- Sasha is due for one. She can't be with Pasha again this week and I doubt she will get Twitch again.
Caitlynn and Pasha ballroom- I dont know about this one but I would just assume

If anything is going to switch, Sasha would be with Twitch, Melanie would be with Pasha, and Caitlynn with Kent

Tadd & Janette Ballroom: Tadd is due for a ballroom with an all star so I would assume he would get Janette
Marko & Ellenore Jazz- He can't get contemporary with an all star again so I would assume he would get Jazz
Ricky & Jaimie Contemporary- This could easily switch with Tadd but I don't think Ricky will get ballroom again

Melanie and Ricky- Ballroom- I can easily see them getting a ballroom together just cause they both didn't have ballroom with partners last week.
Sasha and Tadd- Hip Hop definitely. But who knows
Catilynn and Marko- Contemporary or Jazz- It will for sure be one of these since they both got hip hop last week and didn't have a contemporary or jazz with a partner. I will probably say Jazz because contemporary's tend to be too good this season and they want caitlynn to go home, and jazz is always hit or miss.

Everything is so up in the air with this next week. I was off by like one or two last week but I bet I will be off by a lot this time.

Side note: Got my tickets for the tour show! So amped! 13th row!

Alright. We'll see how this week goes. I know Caitlynn is going home and I won't cry ahahaha