Monday, March 5, 2012

Power Struggles

Having authority is some times an awesome feeling. Not talking in a dictator kind of sense, but more like a position where you are in charge on a lighter scale. 
Although I do love this kind of position, it has its consequences and you never really experience these things until you are actually put in the situation. Regardless, people are going to put the blame on you when you're in charge, whether you did the right or wrong thing. And for some odd reason, people think its okay to blame these people in charge. 
It's quite understandable where their incentive comes from; no one wants to be the person who gets in trouble so let's just blame the person who gets blamed for everything. No big deal.
It's also interesting to see the people who actually do this. You would think that a close friend would have your back and tell the truth, but instead, out of fear of getting the blame, they push the blame to the one in charge because let's face, she probably won't care. 

Lately, these occurrences have been happening to me. And those "close friends" have showed me whose side they are on. What sucks even more, is that they know you are mad at them. They know that you know what happened and they go out of their way to be nice to you. I do appreciate that they care enough to make things okay, but a simple apology and an explanation (to the face) would be nice. 

And no matter how hard I try, I am just too damn nice to actually stay mad. 

And somehow this blog has turned into an over emotional ramble. 

I'll come back with something comical later. But for right now, I'll go back to sulking.

Have you guys ever been in a position of authority and gotten the back lashes from it?